Well, I'm somebody. I am Ev Reheard. Every Heard.
I am a singer/songwriter, artist, accidental comedian... Writer, speech pathologist, Reiki master... Too many titles. What I really am is LUCKY.
Within four years of stumbling upon an open mic for the first time; I began writing original music, learning to play a guitar, and meeting my role models.
Of course, Revelator does not need my praise. It won a Grammy! It is an incredible first album of a husband and wife who merged their two bands to form one incomparable music force.
Susan Tedeschi was the only white woman I knew who could sing with so much soul AND shred guitar solos as well as any man. She quickly became my newest role model.
Two years ago, I checked myself into a hospital to seek treatment for depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation. Realizing my music and writing were the only things that made life worth living, I began the long process of rearranging my life around this artistic purpose.
It was not an easy decision, and it did not happen all at once. It is still happening...
Finding little optimistic literature about my diagnosis, I started blogging my experiences, living with borderline personality disorder. I was comforted and encouraged by social media friends who sent me their stories in confidence. During a particularly challenging month, between apartments, I even couch surfed through many of their homes. It was like my own exclusive, door-to-door tour.
I tried to ignore the whispers in my mind, telling me to quit my stable day-job as a speech therapist. I was unprepared, and I did not have a plan. But something told me change was coming...
From early on as a musician, I realized the importance of finding female friends. Ladies were the minority in music circles, and I had a knack for being seduced into dead-end heart breaks and aches. While they were great fodder for songwriting, they were devastating for my psyche. It was female friends who kept me from killing myself at the lowest moments, who reminded me they had survived similar and worse experiences.
aMUSEment EVents was born out of this need and became a female artist collective. I threw networking parties exclusively for ladies; where we could cook, eat, drink, and feel complete freedom to perform and express ourselves... Every time, a miraculous atmosphere of inspiration enveloped us. It was a unique and addictive vibe that I was eager to recreate and spread. As I watched our members move to other parts of the country, I realized our potential to have chapters in other cities.
I wanted to share that sense of community and nurturing with EVERYONE- especially my less privileged neighbors who I met giving speech therapy in low income parts of Philly.

Having already attempted (and failed) to gather the necessary resources and volunteers to coordinate a community wellness day with live music, I understood my goals could not be achieved alone. I did not need to reinvent the wheel. I made up my mind to avoid forming a new nonprofit. Instead I contacted existing organizations and asked them to adopt aMUSEment EVents.
This was fruitless for months... and meanwhile the little whisper in my mind had increased to a volume I could no longer ignore- I quit my job.
I started preparing myself for 2015; Give up drinking, give up meat; start living in alignment with your purpose.
An unlikely source of motivation came from a Facebook friend's post: "If you could write a note to your younger self, what would you say in only two words?"
Thinking back on my education, my relationships, my mental health; I could not wish away any of my growth and discovery. I found my new mantra:
December 3, 2014, I was hosting my open mic at Connie's Ric Rac, enjoying what was going to be one of my last big nights to get drunk (and insuring a massive hang over to haunt me for all of 2015), when a stranger walked in with a saxophone case.
In my drunken delirium, it was a cinematic moment. I was on stage, pushing the crowd to cheer on a random jam band that had suddenly caught the muse. That was when I saw him wander in, "You!" I pointed, "Is that a sax on your back?"
"Me?" He looked around.
"Yeah, you... Get it out and get on stage!" I grinned. Horns were always a crowd pleaser and exactly what this jam band needed.
He quickly obliged, like a pro... Because, little did I know, he was a professional. He was Kebbi Williams.
"I'm playing at the Keswick with... " he shrugged, "You probably never heard of us."
"Probably not. I never know the names people drop."
"Tedeschi Trucks Band-"
I touched his arm, as my jaw lay dropped in shock, unable to speak for a moment... "That is my favorite band."
"Oh yeah? You should come to the show."
"Ha," I thought of my piling bills, my lack of employment, "I can't afford tickets. I would absolutely love to-- I adore Susan Tedeschi, but-"
Kebbi grinned, "This is happening."

Within twelve hours, I was shaking hands with Susan Tedeschi, meeting all of the wonderful players in the band... For three glorious nights, I watched them rehearse and play at the Keswick Theater; living my fantasy, dreaming awake.
Between sound checks and shows, Kebbi wanted to see more of what Philadelphia had to offer. He enjoyed fresh foods at Reading Terminal Market, Di Bruno Bros, and a real Philly cheese steak at Pat's. But more than tourist attractions, he wanted to find diversity and music. We went to a community center, a dance class; Kebbi sat in on a drum circle and played sax at Chris's Jazz Cafe and Time.
With his connections, he is able to book world renowned artists. Once a year, he and his team organize a day festival where Atlanta students are given the opportunity to play alongside professionals, as the neighborhood joins in to enjoy the creative celebration. With the help of fundraising, Kebbi keeps the festivities FREE for everyone to attend. Last year (2014), there were over 16,000 people! This year MITP continues a partnership with Atlanta Streets Alive to also include a drumline competition, dance instruction, and a parade.
We discussed our visions and realized they were aligned. We saw music bringing people together, engaging them as a community-- How we could use performances as opportunities to encourage healthy and mindful choices...
During his time home from tour, he visits schools and works to insure the performing arts are being included in education. He is the living example of how far music can take kids- Around the world and back!
I explained how music was a source of healing to me; How it had helped me through my arduous mental health journey. Playing him songs that were the product of coping through music, I explained my passion to make an impact on communities-- to help people communicate on larger scale!

This is how aMUSEment EVents partnered with Music in the Park.
Soon I was working remotely with the MITP team in Atlanta. It was thrilling to be welcomed into a crew of capable organizers! -I found the "wheel" already invented, functioning with 501(3)(c) status, just as I had hoped! I jumped in, feet first, ready to contribute!It is Atlanta for now, but there are plans... BIG PLANS. Like aMUSEment EVents, MITP can not be confined to any one location. The need is everywhere! The performing arts are a valuable form of expression for people of all ages, cultures, and socio-economic statuses! ...After the 5th annual, Music in the Park festival, April 19th; That is when the real work will begin! Grant writing, formalizing a business plan, organizing more educational assemblies and creating jobs for artists!
While I thank the psychiatric and psychological professionals for saving me from death, I owe my life to creativity! Less than a year ago, I was still listening to the Tedeschi Trucks Band on vinyl; now they are making one of our most important fundraisers possible!
For our most important fundraiser, supporters and patrons are offered the chance to win 2 free tickets to the Tedeschi Trucks Band 2015 concert of their choice with backstage passes and a $1000 VISA travel voucher!
Raffle tickets can be purchased on their website:
$10/ticket or $100/11 tickets
The winner will be chosen at our April 19th event. However attendance is NOT required. ANYONE, ANYWHERE can win!
All proceeds benefit Music in the Park ATL and enable us to continue our endeavors to enrich communities with music, dance, and cultural diversity. We will broaden the educational and expressive horizons of children and adults alike with every resource we receive!
Kebbi may be a member of the Tedeschi Trucks Band, but he is also one of the most humble people I have ever met.
"I'm not famous. Derek and Susan are famous," he tells me. "Music in the Park isn't about me. It's about the kids, about music. It doesn't need me. It's bigger than that!"
Nevertheless, the reluctant celebrity is a Grammy winner now. He wants to use this title for Music in the Park's virtuous mission, without "tooting his own horn". So, I will toot for him!
All proceeds benefit Music in the Park ATL and enable us to continue our endeavors to enrich communities with music, dance, and cultural diversity. We will broaden the educational and expressive horizons of children and adults alike with every resource we receive!
Kebbi may be a member of the Tedeschi Trucks Band, but he is also one of the most humble people I have ever met.
"I'm not famous. Derek and Susan are famous," he tells me. "Music in the Park isn't about me. It's about the kids, about music. It doesn't need me. It's bigger than that!"
Nevertheless, the reluctant celebrity is a Grammy winner now. He wants to use this title for Music in the Park's virtuous mission, without "tooting his own horn". So, I will toot for him!
Music in the Park is about good people doing a good thing for as many people who will participate as possible. Not long ago, I barely found a reason to live... and now I am thriving with purpose for this more than worthy cause. If you feel passionately about keeping the performing arts alive and available to everyone, this is your opportunity to help! Thank you ^^
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